Eat Healthy, Be Healthy

About us

Everyone’s journey to his/her optimum health is as individual as fingerprints. That’s why everyone’s dietary habits & lifestyle need to be evaluated individually and a plan created accordingly.

We do not believe in crash diets or too many restrictions for weight loss or any health issues. Instead, we believe that making small, impactful changes lead to healthier and more sustainable results.  We achieve this by creating a personalized and sustainable diet and nutrition plan to meet individual lifestyles, needs and goals. Also educating our clients on how they can live a healthier and more balanced life via diet & nutrition is an important part of our approach to helping them with their health goals.

Best dietician in Gurgaon

How we work

We offer In-person as well as virtual consultations. One has a choice to opt for One-time Consultation, Monthly or a Quarterly program.

One time

This consultation involves evaluation of the diet and lifestyle followed by one time diet plan and explanation of basic principles of nutrition.

The Monthly and
Quarterly programs are
structured in 3 steps
as follows:
1. Initial Consultation

As part of initial consultation we assess your eating habits, dietary intake, health history, blood works and physical activity etc. A questionnaire is filled giving us an in-depth picture of your lifestyle, health concerns and goals. This serves as the base line for us to serve you better. Basis the initial consultation, we develop a personalised 1 week diet plan for you that complements your lifestyle and assists you in achieving your goal. Besides this, we educate our clients on the basic principles of nutrition, distribution of macros according to their body requirement, eating according to circadian clock and how to practice mindful eating.

2. Follow ups
After the initial session, we schedule a weekly follow-up session. These follow ups in the program involve regular weekly evaluation and counselling to check your progress and achieve the desired goals.

3. Maintenance Plan

Once you have achieved your weight loss or health goal, a healthy eating guideline is provided specifying the foods to prioritize and the ones to limit or avoid to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
