Diabetes Management
Reversal Program

Diabetes Management and Reversal Program

One size doesn’t fit all for all dietary management of Diabetes. The type of Diabetes you have, how long you have had it for, your age, medications, food preferences and lifestyle all affect the diet advice you should follow. It is important that the dietary advice is appropriate for you and is sustainable. That’s why we focus on lifestyle rather than short term diets.

Our Diabetes management program focuses on dietary and lifestyle modification to reduce the blood sugar levels and HbA1c. We help you create a personalised plan keeping in mind your eating preferences, schedule and nutrition to manage your blood sugar and keep Diabetes in check.

Key Features

In the Diabetes Reversal program you can learn how to reverse diabetes and accompanying lifestyle diseases in a step by step manner. This program is ideal for those who have recently got diabetes or pre-diabetes and are not on many medications.